Homer Parmelee 1818-1907
Howell, Amos, Amos, David, Joshua, John, John
This letter was penned Christmas Day, 1865 to William Lloyd Garrison, publisher of The Liberator (1831-1865), a weekly abolitionist newspaper printed in Boston. Although its circulation was about 3,000 -- and three-quarters of its subscribers were African Americans in 1834 -- it gained a nationwide reputation. Passage of the Thirteenth Amendment ended the paper's run. It was succeeded by The Nation, the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the U.S.

Friend Garrison,

Enclosed is the amount of my subscription to the Liberator. I regret that it is the last I shall have the privilege of paying.

For many years the Liberator has been our weekly visitor and its columns have been perused by all the members of our family with both pleasure and profit.

We rejoice with all lovers of truth and justice that the work for which it was instituted is accomplished -- that at last our beloved country is rid of that most cursed of all practices -- human slavery.

The Liberator has battled gallantly and the victory is near.


And to you its founder, together with the devoted little band that have stood shoulder to shoulder with you in the fierce strife, for your steadfast devotion, your untiring zeal and your earnest and eloquent appeals to our countrymen in behalf of the oppressed sons of Africa, belongs the praise and honor of a redeemed nation.

Through your instrumentality a great work has been accomplished; but your willing hands, your eloquent lips and your resistless pens will yet find plenty of good work to engage in.

Now that the yoke is removed, the heavy burdens loosed and the oppressed set free, let those so lately degraded to the level of the brute be raised to the full stature of men. And may he who created man in his own ...


... image watch over and protect them in the enjoyment of that most precious of all his endowments -- the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I regret that circumstances render it impossible for me to give a more substantial token of our appreciation of the very valuable service you have rendered the cause so dear to all our hearts. That God's blessing may forever rest upon you and your little disbanded army of liberators, and upon all people every where, is the earnest prayer of your devoted friend.

H. Parmelee

No. 1311 South 4th St. Phila.

Dec 25, 1865

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