Dr. JEHIEL 'HIEL' PARMLY 1799-1873
Eleazer, Jehiel, Stephen, Stephen, John, John
The doctor is one of the family's many dentists. The oil-on-canvas portrait was done by Solyman Brown about 1835; the sketch was made much later.

He and brother Levi wandered the War of 1812 battlefield of Lundy's Lane [present-day Niagara Falls, Ontario] in July 1814, gathering teeth from the skulls of soldiers to use in their practice.

Hiel built the Parmly Mansion north of Perry, Ohio, on a bluff that overlooks Lake Erie, and returned seasonally once his dental practice took off in New Orleans, Atlanta and Savannah, Ga. Among his patients was President James Monroe. When he retired, he returned to Perry. He was known locally for his prowess with an ax, and his strong dislike of brass: He'd grasp door knobs using his coattails so the metal wouldn't touch his hands.

We have an 1825 letter written by his wife, Eliza Ann (Pleasants) Parmly (1799-1891), informing a friend about Hiel's father's death. And a photo of son Jehiel Jr.

The family is buried in Perry's Christ Church Cemetery.

Photo No.: 07-0154a, 07-0154b

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Updated Dec. 30, 2019